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What Causes Excessive Saliva? Is There a Solution For This?

Several factors can lead to the so-called sialorrhea or hypersalivation: difficulty swallowing, cavities, bite problems, inflammation in general, very large tongue, nausea, use of certain drugs, and even neuromuscular dysfunctions. Therefore, treatment will depend on the diagnosis from an otolaryngologist or dentist. Certain conditions or illnesses can also contribute to excess saliva production. People with Down syndrome or neurological problems, such as Parkinson’s disease, for example, may have difficulty swallowing and, with it, collect saliva in the mouth. Another point of attention is pregnancy, as one of the factors that can lead to hyper.

By following the treatment correctly, it is possible to return to a normal saliva production, which is not bothersome, never leaves the mouth, and does not generate the process of excessive swallowing. On the contrary, failure to treat sialorrhea, in addition to impacting self-esteem and social coexistence, increases the risk of inhaling saliva and other fluids into the lungs, which can cause aspiration pneumonia. Saliva plays a very important role in cleaning the mouth and preventing cavities because it has the power to neutralize the acidity caused when we ingest excess sugar. It helps to maintain the integrity of the teeth and oral mucosa. Moreover, saliva is a fundamental substance.

Why Is Excessive Saliva Produced?

While excessive saliva production is not a disease, it is usually a symptom of another underlying problem. These can be problems that can be easily solved and risky situations or illnesses. For this reason, a noticeable increase in the amount of saliva in the mouth is a condition that should not be overlooked.

We can list the most common causes of increased salivation as follows:

1. Diseases such as Down syndrome, autism, ALS, stroke, and Parkinson’s disease
2. Infections such as rabies, syphilis, or tuberculosis
3. Arsenic and mercury poisoning
4. Being bitten by a poisonous insect or reptile
5. Facial paralysis
6. Neurological disorders
7. Obstruction of the esophagus
8. Sinus, throat, or peritoneal infections
9. Problems with the digestive system and stomach
10. Severe or sudden pain in the body
11. Sinusitis, nasal congestion
12. Allergy
13. Enlargement of the lymph nodes
14. Tumors that affect the movement of the tongue or lips
15. Pregnancy
16. Fracture or dislocation of the jaw
17. An ulcer or inflammation of the mouth
18. Dentures do not fit the mouth or have poor oral coordination
19. The use of dental prostheses
20. Non-observance of oral hygiene

What to do when salivation increases?

It is important to see a doctor for sure, as serious long-term problems can cause excessive saliva production. In addition to treatments related to the underlying cause, anticholinergic drugs, beta-blockers, botox, or acupuncture therapy can support reducing saliva production. Plus, frequent tooth brushing, gargling, and drinking plenty of water will also help reduce the problem.

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