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Causes and Solution of Sore Throat in Babies

Causes of Sore Throat in Infants

  • Throat inflammations, infections
  • Simple upper respiratory tract infections, colds

Transitional seasons in children and winter, after school, are the most common diseases that occur in outbreaks in kindergartens and are not absent. It occurs due to viruses and causes problems such as mild fever, drooling, snot discharge, sneezing, tear and discharge, cough, as well as a mild sore throat. Usually, self-complaints subside within a few days and pass over time. But outbreaks, especially in places where the school is closed, such as kindergartens and other children, cause children here to get these diseases 8-10 times every winter. It is necessary not to use antibiotics but to wait for the improvement of the disease with the help of fever and pain relievers. Being in the same environment with sick children is contagious, and contact should be avoided.

Acute Pharyngotonsillitis

Inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx (pharynx), called acute pharyngotonsillitis, is one of children’s most common serious sore throat diseases. It also occurs in adults. Especially in winter, there are signs of systemic diseases such as fever, weakness, and loss of appetite, which usually rise rapidly along with severe pain in this disease that causes outbreaks in closed places such as nurseries, nests, and schools. In this case, the diagnosis should be made, taking into account the possibility of having a Beta infection.


Beta-hemolytic streptococcus of group A, also known as a beta for short, is a microbe that causes acute pharyngotonsillitis and associated sore throat. Viruses cause outbreaks of pharyngotonsillitis, which causes sore throat, in closed places such as kindergartens, schools, nests, barracks, and are contagious. In order not to cause permanent damage such as heart valve, kidney, and joint involvement after the disease, penicillin or penicillin should be used instead of an antibiotic in cases where penicillin cannot be used.

Throat Culture

It is very important to determine whether acute pharyngotonsillitis is due to the Beta microbe or not to determine the treatment. The gold standard indicating this distinction is still the receipt of “throat culture.” Although rapid tests are also being used, which have started to become widespread in recent years, starting antibiotics in treatment knowing that the disease is due to a beta microbe should be done by seeing the result of the culture.

Antibiotic Use

In case of beta-producing tonsillitis in the throat culture, it is necessary to use antibiotics, a penicillin needle, or an antibiotic that will replace penicillin orally for ten days or in the presence of allergies. If the Beta microbe does not reproduce in the culture, it is unnecessary to use antibiotics for tonsillitis in society, and it is erroneous in terms of a serious side effect, the development of resistance, the normal flora deteriorates and causes diseases.

Influenza (Avian Flu, Swine Flu)

Flu is a serious systemic disease, as in beta, it causes serious problems such as fever, malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, sore throat, and cough in a short time. It causes epidemics and is contagious. It should be distinguished from simple upper respiratory tract infections, called colds, etc. If there are these signs besides a sore throat, children should be taken to the doctor.


As with acute tonsillitis, mild and persistent pain in the throat, pharynx (pharynx), hanging out, the presence of a foreign body are signs of an ailment we call chronic pharyngitis, which does not have signs of an infectious disease such as fever, pain, weakness, loss of appetite that rises suddenly, as in acute tonsillitis. This is more due to an irritation of the throat caused by external and internal factors such as smoking, smoke, dust, dry air, stomach acid escape, nasal discharge than a disease. Controlling the factors that cause irritation relieves discomfort. But chronic pharyngitis also causes harm due to the use of too many unnecessary antibiotics and medications, especially because of the fear of underlying cancer in adults.

Benign and Malignant Tumors

Cancers of the upper respiratory tract in adults, especially those caused by smoking, are very rare in children and do not occur except for special diseases. Very rarely, malignant tumors such as sarcoma, lymphoma, or benign tumors such as papilloma can be seen, but in the presence of them, other signs such as swelling, mass, difficulty swallowing, and congestion are also observed along with pain.

Foreign Bodies

Especially in young children, the ingestion of foreign objects such as toys and needles into the mouth, the introduction of nuclei and bones into the throat in older children and adults can also be overlooked, but it causes pain, especially when swallowing.

What Should We Do with a Child With a Sore Throat?

Sore throat is common in upper respiratory tract diseases, which are often observed in outbreaks, especially in children who go to school to the nest in winter. It does not require immediate panic and immediate intervention. However, later in severe pain and fever, fatigue, malaise, accompanied by serious symptoms, such as inflammation, flu, infections, a more serious illness that requires treatment, such as beta, without wasting time in thinking see your doctor, and your doctor’s recommendation with culture is necessary to get the blood tests done.

Respiratory Distress Accompanied by Sore Throat

Especially in infants, but in all children, if there are one or more signs of respiratory tract obstruction, such as difficulty breathing, crowing, pronounced wheezing, bruising, penetrating into the chest and neck when breathing, pulling, accompanied by a sore throat, it is necessary to urgently contact a hospital.

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