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Can any healthy person donate a kidney? What are the procedures?

I’m 64 years old, and I’m healthy. Can I donate a kidney? It may, but you will need to undergo a medical evaluation. The health professional will ask for laboratory blood and urine tests and imaging, such as ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract. A cardiologist’s analysis will also be required to confirm whether you are healthy and with clinical conditions for the procedure.

Can a healthy person donate a kidney? Coming to the Answer of Your Question

To donate a kidney, you need, first of all, to be willing and agree to the intervention. Next, tests will be done to identify compatibility with who will receive the kidney. The test will check the immune and blood part of both people. The so-called ABO blood typing works as follows:

  • Blood Type A can donate to A and AB.
  • Blood type B can donate to B and AB.
  • Blood type AB can donate to AB.
  • Blood type O can donate to all types.

Being all right, then the next step is to perform the laboratory and imaging tests mentioned. What may prevent your kidney donation is if you have any direct family members with kidney disease, hereditary. In this case, new examinations will be ordered. In addition, kidney donors can not have diseases that can affect the kidneys, such as diabetes, high-grade obesity, high blood pressure, and kidney stones. Or, then, serious diseases of the heart, lung, liver, or cancer and infectious diseases that can be transmitted to the recipient.

After this process, you will be hospitalized, usually on the eve or two days before surgery. The total procedure lasts around 2-4 hours. After surgery, it will take seven days of observation in the hospital. At home, you should maintain rest for another 10 to 12 days to complete the healing and correctly follow the doctor’s prescription, which involves using painkillers, medications to control nausea and vomiting, and good hydration. Physical exercises are restricted for about 30 days.

Like any surgery, kidney donation can also have minimal complications. Among them are: local pain, bleeding in the operated region, trapped intestine, respiratory and urinary infection, healing problems, and thrombosis. Therefore, it is important always to contact the medical staff who performed the procedure. It is also necessary every 1 or 2 years to go through the evaluation of the nephrologist. But it is worth pointing out that the human being can live peacefully with only one kidney. The only recommendation, which applies to anyone, is to maintain a healthy routine.

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