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9 Reasons To Eliminate Sugar From Your Life!

Nowadays, “sugar” is so much in almost every food we eat that we have to make a special effort to avoid it. Unfortunately, avoiding sugar or sugary foods is not enough to stay away from sugar. Because even many foods that do not taste sweet, from ready-made soups to savory sticks, bread varieties to canned legumes, even contain sugar, come to our profit on grocery store shelves. Even when you say that I have never eaten anything with sugar these days, you consume sugar.

Sugar, which is often ground to stay away, is actually a general term used to describe a class of molecules and is included in the class of “carbohydrates,” which are the main source of energy of organisms. Carbohydrates are the most basic nutritional element necessary for the life of not only people but also all living things. It is found in a very large proportion of food and beverages.
The main thing here is that the composition of the carbohydrate that you consume is, in other words, complex or simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates; fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole-grain foods are also foods rich in dietary fiber –the pulp- necessary for a healthy digestive system. Yes, you haven’t heard wrong, vegetables also contain carbohydrates, but they are better. Because the pulp in their structure also serves as a very important support for maintaining blood sugar levels after meals, reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases, and protecting against diseases of the digestive system. That is why “complex carbohydrates” help maintain health while meeting our daily energy needs.

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that does not contain fiber, although it is a carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed directly from the intestines and pass into the blood within about 15-20 minutes of being consumed, without any digestion. In this way, they cause a sudden increase in blood sugar levels and sudden drops at the same rate. They can be made from sugar cane, beets, or corn. The nutritional values of sugars obtained from these plants are the same. They have no benefit to the body, except that they give energy, and 1 gram of them is about four calories.

There Is ‘Sugar’ Everywhere, And We Are Constantly Consuming It With Different Names!!!

We already know that foods that taste sweet, such as cakes, pies, baklava, have sugar in them. But have you ever thought that foods that seem to be very healthy can also have added sugar? Do you know that ready-made soy or almond kinds of milk, which are the fashionable drinks of recent times, are with the addition of sugar?
Or that only 10 percent of the sugar in the fruits served as juices comes from the fruit. Is the rest added sugar? That you take 15 grams of sugar from 3 spoons of breakfast cereals? Sugar comes up with many different names on the label of food we buy! Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention and read the product labels well.

When you read the contents of the product you purchased; brown sugar, invert sugar, corn syrup, desktroz, malt syrup, maltose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, sugar, table sugar, fructose corn syrup, sucrose may confront you with expressions. These are all forms of sugar. When you consume foods labeled in this way, you are actually getting sugar, which is a simple carbohydrate, into your body.

In fact, sugar, which is an energy source for our body, can literally turn into poison for our body by taking it from simple sources, not complex ones, and using it without measure. When I say poison, it’s not a joke. Excessive sugar consumption is like a poison that sets the stage for many diseases, from high blood pressure to diabetes, heart disease to cancer.

What Are the Main Harms of Sugar to the Body?

1. Consuming excessive sugar causes the pancreas to secrete excessive insulin by raising blood sugar quickly. After insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, its excess is stored as fat in the body. A sudden decrease in blood sugar, on the other hand, leads to the formation of a constant feeling of hunger and the need to eat extra without it.

2. Recent studies show that one of the most important causes of obesity is sugar, and it also creates addiction by targeting the same center as drugs. To obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, cancer, hypertension, stroke, ulcers, asthma, arthritis, dental disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and osteoporosis causes.

3. It shows that regular consumption of sugar dulls the brain’s mechanism of signaling a feeling of satiety and telling you to stop eating. When a person eats sugary foods, he continues to have a constant desire to eat without a feeling of satiety. Sugar, which is transported throughout the body by the bloodstream, accumulates as fat, especially in the belly, hips, breasts, and upper leg. But there is more than just the fat you see; fatty acids are distributed to organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. When the organs are covered with fat, serious health problems also occur.

4. It causes the immune system to weaken, reducing your resistance to diseases. The body remains vulnerable to changing weather conditions or microbes, and even the simplest ailments can become serious health problems that are forcibly bypassed.

5. It has recently been proven that high blood sugar levels due to refined sugar consumption lead to a high risk of depression in the brain and anxiety attacks. In a study conducted with 69 thousand people, a direct relationship dec observed between high consumption of processed sugar and increased depression. The same study shows that when the type of carbohydrate in the diet is high in natural ingredients such as lactose, fiber, and vegetables, the depression value is measured quite low. Another study evaluated to be mentally healthy found that those who consumed 67 grams of sugar and more per day had a 23% higher depression rate than those who consumed less than 40 grams of sugar per day.

6. It causes memory problems. In a 10-year study followed by 5000 people, it was found that the higher the blood sugar, the higher the cognitive functions (retrieval, storage, enhancement, conversion of information, etc. it was observed that there is such a rapid decrease in mental processes). The glycemic index of foods high (raise your blood sugar quickly) attention and memory in both adults and children for breakfast another study that proves that leads to the same problems of daily calories N 58% or more carbohydrates in the case of mental problems and proved that doubles the risk of dementia.

In the 1800s, the annual sugar consumption per capita was only 5 kg, but today the annual sugar consumption per capita has become 80 kg. As a result, the increase in obesity and the accompanying chronic health problems is the inevitable end.

The basis of a healthy life is an adequate and balanced diet. So, how much should sugar be included in this healthy diet? Or should it be included? How many grams of sugar should be consumed per day? These have become the most interesting topics for people today.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the calories provided by foods and drinks in which sugar is added later should make up less than 10 percent of the total amount of energy that a person receives in a day. He even strongly recommends reducing it by up to 5% of energy if possible. Although the energy requirement varies depending on the person, gender, activity, disease status, on average, for a daily energy intake of 2000 kcal/day: it is emphasized that daily sugar consumption is safe up to 25 g, but it should definitely not exceed 50 grams.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), it states the maximum amount of added sugar you should consume in a day according to gender is as follows:

For men; 150 calories of added sugar per day (37.5 grams or 15 cubes of sugar)
For women; 100 calories of added sugar per day (25 grams or 10 cubes of sugar)

Dear reader, who says that I do not use additional sugar, we are coming to the place that interests you. The main thing to pay attention to should be to reduce the amount of sugar taken from processed foods or used as an additive. On this day, many products sold on the market with the emphasis on the “salty” feature or called sugar-free contain more sugar than salt, while it is also necessary to remember that you must read the label to check for added sugar.

What? Is There Sugar In Ready-made Soup And Light Yogurt?

For example, did you know that a carbonated drink can contain sugar above the daily limits (40 grams )? Yes, everyone knows that carbonated drinks contain high sugar, but many people may not realize that a packet of instant soup can contain about 20 grams of sugar per serving or that healthy non-carbonated apple juice contains about 25 grams of sugar per glass, even if it is labeled unsweetened.

By glazing a few foods that contain a lot more sugar than you think, maybe I can draw your attention to the topic of reading labels a little more.
If you don’t look at the label while trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle and consume low-fat products, you will be trapped in sugar while avoiding fat. Even products marketed as “light” or “low-fat” can contain more sugar than their regular non-reduced-fat equivalents. Normally, yogurt fermented at home does not have any additional sugar other than milk sugar. But a portion of full-fat plain yogurt that you buy at the grocery store contains 4.7 grams of sugar, while a portion of dietary, in other words, low-fat plain yogurt, can contain as much as 6 to 12 grams of sugar.

Did you think that ketchup, which is one of the most popular condiments in the world with its varieties such as sweet and bitter, contains only tomatoes? Did you know that you can get almost 1 cube of added sugar from a tablespoon of ketchup while avoiding dessert and choosing the bitter one because you think it will support your metabolism?

Did you think that ketchup, which is one of the most popular condiments in the world with its varieties such as sweet and bitter, contains only tomatoes? Did you know that you can get almost 1 cube of added sugar from a tablespoon of ketchup while avoiding dessert and choosing the bitter one because you think it will support your metabolism?

Have you looked at the labels of sports drinks, which are usually described as a healthy option for those who exercise? These drinks are designed to satisfy the water needs of trained athletes during long and intense training periods and give them ready-made energy that will not need digestion during exercise. That is why sports drinks also contain a high content of additional sugars, which can be quickly absorbed and used for energy. If you are not a professional athlete, it may not be a healthy choice for you. Because a standard 591 ml sports drink bottle contains 32.5 grams (equal to 13 cubes of sugar ) of added sugar.
The sugar contained in fruits and vegetables such as beets, corn, potatoes is sufficient to meet the recommended daily amount. Quitting sugar means not giving up on these things either. Of course, we do not want you to exclude these foods from your life, which are an important part of a healthy diet.

I Decided to Quit Sugar, What Kind of Process Awaits Me?

Sugary foods are addictive, just like drugs. For this reason, very soon after you decide to quit sugar, you want to eat something sweet that contains sugar. Even just the decision you made may have caused you a feeling of deprivation.

When it’s only been 1 day since you said goodbye to sugar, you may be feeling unhappy and energized. With this condition, you can satisfy the desire for dessert with fruits, balance blood sugar with nuts or kefir helpers. It is easier to overcome sugar cravings when you have fat, protein, and carbohydrates in your diet in a balanced way and when you take foods with high fiber content.

After leaving a week without sugar, you experience sluggish and sudden energy drops, and then you feel intensely attracted to sugary foods. This condition is severe it can cause you to go into unstable, angry, and depressed moods. This tense picture can last up to 2-3 weeks, depending on the duration of your addiction. This period is very important. After going through this difficult process, everything will be much easier now. Gradually you will begin to feel more vigorous and energetic.
After 1 month of quitting sugar, all the negative situations caused by addiction are over. Now is the time when there are positive developments. The depressive state of emotions, chronic fatigue and tension are over. It has been replaced by fitness.
A few months after quitting sugar, long-term positive effects also appear. Because you don’t get extra and unhealthy calories, you’re probably slimmed down , and you’ll have a more fit appearance. Since your hormones will start working more regularly, you will look younger and healthier.

If all these explanations are not enough, and I still have to say, “why should I take sugar out of my life?” if you say, here are the reasons why:

9 Reasons That Will Convince You To Remove Sugar From Your Life!

1. For A Strong Memory
Did you know that a diet high in sugar negatively affects learning and memory? Reducing sugar consumption makes it possible to strengthen your memory, reduce forgetfulness, and make your daily work even easier.
According to a study published in 2013 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, consuming foods with added sugar stimulates the brain’s reward center. Thus, more sugar is consumed, and then the desire to eat something sweet persists. Unfortunately, this event continues in a vicious circle. It turns out that people who consumed high amounts of sugar and saturated fats in as little as a month performed worse on memory tests than they did 1 month ago. This, in turn, leads to the conclusion that simple sugar damages memory in the short term. When evaluated in the long term, it dec that consuming excessive amounts of sugar also triggers Alzheimer’s and similar diseases by damaging the communication between cells in the brain (neurodegeneration).

2. How To Have A Radiant Skin?
When the skin pores are blocked, it creates a suitable breeding ground for the bacteria contained in the pore; this bacterial proliferation causes inflammation, that is, inflammation, over time. Inflammation is the main cause of skin problems and acne. Sugar triggers inflammation and causes acne to increase on the skin. In addition, sugar reacts with proteins in the body, hardening the structure of collagen and elastin, reducing its elasticity and making it flabby, accelerating skin aging. By reducing sugar consumption, you can fight skin problems, get a healthier, radiant and taut skin appearance.

3. In Order Not to Feel Constantly Hungry
The foods you consume contain energy and protein, carbohydrates, fat, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals. But sugars are processed carbohydrate that does not contain any benefits other than an “empty energy source” that we call simple carbohydrates. And when sugar-containing foods are consumed, unfortunately, other nutrients are missing. The blood sugar regulation is disturbed, and the feeling of satiety is very delayed due to insufficient pulp and protein consumption. If you can’t control your nutrition, you may eventually find yourself eating constantly.

4. How to Get Rid of the Umbilical Protrusion?
By consuming pulp foods (vegetables-whole grains- fruits) instead of simple carbohydrate intake, you are taking the first step towards your dream of a flat stomach. In the basic recommendations dec healthy eating, it is emphasized that the ideal level of pulp intake is between 25-38 g per day. Despite the existence of this recommendation, as a result of the studies conducted, it seems that on average, individuals consume only 15 grams of pulp. As a result of insufficient pulp consumption, the beneficial bacteria that feed on fiber in the intestine cannot be fed and their number decreases, while the number of harmful bacteria that feed on sugar instead increases. Unfortunately, these little naughty things also make your stomach look bigger and bulge than normal. Healthy bacteria that increase in the intestine by taking fibrous foods are also very important for maintaining your health, losing weight, and making your immune system stronger.

5. To Reduce the Risk of Diabetes
We mentioned above that excessive consumption of sugars, which we call simple carbohydrates, can lead to chronic health problems in the long run. The delicious things that attract you with this taste are doing insidious harm while sweetening your mouth. It is quickly digested and quickly raises your blood sugar. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the body secretes much more insulin than necessary, and the fact that there is a constant and very secreted insulin also leads to the development of insulin resistance in the body. And if this condition persists and the limit continues ( more than 25 g of sugar per day), and if you have a genetic predisposition, it’s not even out of work that it turns into type 2 diabetes.
It is the sudden increases in blood sugar that cause your body to release excess insulin and to prevent it, you need to consume fiber-rich complex carbohydrates that are slower to digest and longer. If our blood sugar levels are at normal levels without sudden ups and downs, your pancreas secretes less insulin. This, in turn, makes it easier for cells to meet insulin, and the body spends more energy. In a nutshell, the fact that sugars that we call simple carbohydrates or refined sugar have not been added shows that you can prevent the formation of diabetes by managing to keep blood sugar balanced even if there is a genetic predisposition by consuming foods that are not naturally broken down.
6.To Get Rid of Your Excess Fat
Limit your consumption of heavy carbohydrates (for example, carbonated drinks, soft drinks, biscuits, chocolates, bakery products, sorbet desserts, etc.) although you eat other – but healthy- foods instead of reducing the amount of calories you naturally take in daily, you will also decrease the amount of calories. . In this case, he creates an energy deficit in the body, preferring to burn the fats stored in the body instead of wasting excess energy from processed carbohydrates. And you begin to get rid of your fat surpluses.

7. For Stronger Muscles Use
By consuming foods rich in simple carbohydrates, but November of nutritious macromolecules, we are unable to get the protein needed for healthy skin, healthy hair, strong nails, strong bones and muscles into the body. We can protect november muscles and speed up our metabolism by choosing foods rich in protein and vitamins/minerals ( whole grains, pulses, nuts, vegetable fruits). In addition, if there is – and there is edema if there is a consumption of refined sugar – we will also remove the edema from the body.

8. To Feel More Fit
We cannot call all carbohydrate-containing foods’ bad’. The body needs carbohydrates to maintain brain and November function, to fully perform organ functions. However, instead of sugar and simple carbohydrates that are free of processed and we call pure useful components, more long-lasting toughness that provides vegetables, fruits, brown rice, whole wheat bread, bulgur, buckwheat, legumes, healthy complex carbs you should choose. There is a constant flow of energy in the body, but the main source of this energy should not be provided by simple carbohydrates. Especially during the afternoon hours, when you want it sweet hurt when your energy drops to provide quick energy, which is not bad in terms of the content of nutrients and sufficient toughness to make a balanced meal that includes protein and carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates Dec, makes you feel more vigorous until the evening; ornegin1 consume 2-3 bananas and walnuts instead of 1 cup kefir 1 small package with wafer you can choose to consume.

9. To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Diseases
Currently, the risk of death from heart disease has increased by three times. One of the biggest reasons for this is that the consumption of simple sugar is increasing day by day. Sugar consumption increases blood pressure, and heart rate activates the sympathetic nervous system and causes a chronic increase in insulin levels. On the other hand, excessive sugar consumption also increases fat synthesis and cholesterol in the body. In addition to many diseases, this is also a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

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