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How is Dementia Diagnosed?


Dementia is the general name for symptoms that affect memory, thinking, and social skills, which disrupts daily life. More than one disease can cause dementia. Memory loss is a universal feature of dementia, but other functions, such as abstract thinking and language, are also impaired. Dementia is usually not diagnosed for months or even years after its onset, but depending on the cause, some symptoms of dementia can be prevented.

Diagnosis of dementia

The first step in his diagnosis is a thorough medical history and physical examination to identify any visual, hearing, cardiovascular, thyroid, or other disorders. For dementia to be diagnosed, your doctor needs to identify function and skill deficiencies. Your doctor should examine your medical history and symptoms, conduct a physical examination, and talk to your relatives about the symptoms.

The criteria for the diagnosis of dementia can be listed as:

• A person has cognitive and behavioral symptoms that interfere with his ability to function in his activities, represent a decrease from previous levels of functionality, and cannot be explained by delirium or a psychiatric disorder.

• The condition is diagnosed by talking to the patient and someone who knows him (family member or close friend). This type of interview is very important because someone close to the patient knows the previous level of functioning of the individual and helps the physician determine whether there is cognitive impairment.

In October, an objective cognitive assessment should be carried out. This assessment may include a mental status examination or neuropsychological test. Mental state tests, such as a Mini-Mental State Examination, a Short Mental State Test, or a Cognitive Capacity Screening Test, are given to check for general cognitive impairment. The Clock Drawing Test and the Time and Change Test are two other simple tests for dementia.

Cognitive or behavioral impairment can occur in the following areas:

-Difficulty in obtaining and remembering new information (a person may forget appointments, misplace things, or get lost at a familiar address);

-Difficulty in reasoning and managing complex tasks (may not understand security risks, have difficulty managing finances);

-Difficulty recognizing faces or objects, wearing clothes, or finding objects directly in the field of view;

-Difficulty speaking, reading, or writing (a person may have difficulty finding words while speaking and may make speech, spelling, and typing errors);

-Changes in personality, behavior, or composition (a person may have an uncharacteristic mood, or his interest in previous activities may decrease).

In the routine assessment of a patient with suspected dementia, it is recommended to perform the following tests:

• Complete blood cell count

* Electrolyte levels in the blood (potassium, sodium, and chloride)

• Blood glucose (sugar), urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels

• Levels of vitamin B12 in the blood

* Liver function tests and thyroid function tests

* Depression screening

DKT And Dementia

A language and speech therapist can help a person with dementia to remain as independent as possible. DKT can work on attention, memory, problem solving, and high-level thinking skills. Some strategies that DKT can teach an individual with dementia include:

To practice learning important information
Using written words or images to help perform tasks
Preparing “memory books” that will help remember personal information
Educating family members and caregivers on how to better communicate with a dementia patient
DKT also allows you to eat safely

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