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Lose Weight Fast with Great Diet Lists

What is the Diet List?

Healthy diet lists and easy diet programs for losing weight can be defined as nutrition programs prepared according to a person’s gender, height, weight, age, and level of physical activity. These lists are applied not only for weight loss purposes. There are also healthy diet lists applied for weight gain, healthy eating, or treatment purposes. Diet lists are applied very often for therapeutic purposes especially for kidney, thyroid, diabetes, high blood pressure patients, and people with food intolerance. In order for the diet lists to give the right result, they must be prepared individually and contain the necessary nutritional values.

How Are Personalized Diet Lists Prepared?

Each person should receive the amount of energy during the day is different. The most important point to be considered when preparing healthy diet lists is that anthropometric measurements of the person have been taken. Height, weight, and age can be defined as anthropometric measurements. Along with these values, the sex of the person, the level of physical activity, and the state of playing sports are also important. Working status, moving life, or working life at a desk affect the calories that should be taken during the day.

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How About Healthy Diet Lists?

After all the measurements have been taken, a healthy diet list can be prepared. Healthy diet lists should include sources of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. On average, 12-15% of the calories of the diet list should be protein sources; 55-60% carbohydrate sources;25-30% fat sources. Healthy diet lists must necessarily contain water. Sources of vitamins A, C, E, K, and group B; mineral sources such as iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, selenium should be present in the diet. Eating plans that are limited in vitamins or minerals and deficient in them can also cause various health problems in the future.

Why Should A Dietitian prepare diet Lists?

A dietitian is the most knowledgeable and equipped person about healthy eating and diet lists used to treat diseases. The correct and proper results of the nutrition scheme depend on the fact that the list contains sufficient and balanced nutrients. Blood values may vary depending on the results or disease status of foods that should and should not be consumed.

Determining the values of these nutrients in the calories to be taken daily is important for health. The loss of excess fat or water mass in the body is an important factor for weight loss to be permanent and healthy. The correct diet programs aim to reduce the amount of excess fat in the person and achieve the ideal kilogram. For this reason, healthy diet lists to be applied should be prepared by nutritionists, i.e., dietitians.

Will Only Diet Lists Be Enough to Lose Weight?

The process of losing weight is a process that requires patience and determination. It should be remembered that rapidly lost weight can be returned to the body at the same rate. It is important from this point of view that weight loss is slow and permanent. But the diet plan alone may not be enough to speed up this process. In addition to the list of diets applied, it is also important to exercise regularly, pay attention to the cooking and preparation methods of consumed nutrients, and consume water along with the diet.

In the studies conducted, it was observed that fat burning was started 25 minutes after the start of exercise. That is why its duration is as important as the type of exercise performed. Preparing prepared vegetable or legume dishes with healthy fats such as olive oil; cooking meat dishes without oil; avoiding excessive fatty foods such as frying is important in the weight loss process.

How are Thyroid Patients Weakened? List of Thyroid Diet and 1-Week Diet

The thyroid hormones TSH, T3, and T4, have many functions in the body, such as growth development, protein production, and ensuring the sensitivity of hormones. In case of insufficient or overwork of the thyroid glands, hormone levels differ and may have different manifestations in the body. Proper functioning of the metabolism and an ideal body weight are effective for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and the level of thyroid hormones.

There are some foods that thyroid patients should consume less of, and these foods are called goitrogenic. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, radishes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, cauliflower were among the goitrogenic foods, and their consumption should be limited. But, especially foods that cannot contain selenium also have an effect on thyroid hormones, and it is recommended that these foods be preferred more often. The consumption of foods such as mushrooms, eggs, turkey meat, chicken breast, milk should be increased. A person needs to get the appropriate calories for his metabolism; he needs to make three main and 2-3 Dec meals a day. Attention should also be paid to foods whose consumption is restricted. Thyroid patients should also not neglect water consumption. It is necessary to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day without fail.

List of Liver Lubrication Diet and 1-Week Diet

Fatty liver disease can be defined as the formation of at least 10% of the liver fat as a result of the accumulation of fat in the liver. Many factors, such as obesity, type-2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, malnutrition, and hereditary factors, are effective in the formation of liver lubrication. Treatment of fatty liver can be provided by diet programs that are applied without damaging the liver in support of the use of medications. Studies have shown that weight loss of 3-5% leads to a decrease in liver lubrication, and weight loss of 10% has a positive effect on a decrease in liver damage.

There are some foods that are restricted and should not be consumed in the diet plan to be applied in the treatment of liver lubrication. Examples of these are sugary and acidic drinks, deli products, fried dishes, and foods such as instant cakes, porridges. In order for the slimming process to be healthy and weight loss to occur from excess fat in the body, it is necessary to follow a correct and balanced nutrition program.

Nutrition of Athletes and the Athlete’s Diet

Athlete nutrition differs depending on the sport performed, November person’s muscle and fat values, height, weight, age, and gender. To increase concentration and endurance, at the same time to maintain health and prevent injuries, the athlete must take care of his nutrition. The daily caloric needs of athletes can vary between 2000-5000 calories. This number dec also increasesincreases depending on the athlete’s frequency and type of exercise. In the athlete’s diet, 60-65% of the daily calories should come from carbohydrates, 12-15% from protein, and 20-25% from fat. To ensure performance improvement and maintain health, the athlete must receive the nutritional values necessary for his body with a specially prepared nutrition plan.

How Should Diabetics Be Fed? Diabetes Diet and Diabetes Diet List

There are two types of diabetes, namely type-1 diabetes and Type-2 diabetes. 80-85% of diabetics have type 2 diabetes. The basis of diabetes mellitus is based on a deficiency of the hormone insulin. The metabolism due to insulin deficiency works slower; complaints such as frequent urination, excessive thirst, irritability, the smell of acetone in the mouth, fatigue, and weakness may occur. The presence of diabetes in the family, obesity, a high level of fat in the blood, and excess fat in the abdominal area are the most important factors that affect the formation of diabetes.

The main thing in a diabetes diet is that a person does not eat too low-calorie food. He receives the calories necessary for his body. For blood sugar to remain in balance, it is recommended to make three main, three-dec meals and consume protein and carbohydrate sources together during the dec meals. Brown bread varieties such as whole wheat, rye, bran bread should be preferred instead of white bread; bulgur should be consumed instead of rice. Applying a diet plan that is appropriate for a person’s health information is important for achieving the ideal weight and keeping blood sugar in balance.

List of Nutrition and Diet for Kidney Failure in Kidney Diseases

The kidneys are our organs that ensure the removal of metabolic waste from the body and the concentration and balance of body fluids located on both sides of the spine. Kidney diseases are divided into acute or chronic renal failure, uremia, and glomerular diseases. Attention should be paid to nutrition at the treatment stage so that kidney health is not worse and symptoms are reduced. In particular, the importance of applying nutritional therapy is greater in acute glomerulonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, and kidney stone diseases.

There are prohibited and restricted foods in the diet specific to kidney diseases. In the nutrition plan, it is necessary to restrict foods containing potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. Milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, meat, legumes, and green leafy vegetables are restricted; canned foods such as olives, sausage, and bacon are dec foods. One of the prohibited foods. To get the right result from nutritional therapy, the consumption of prohibited foods should be avoided, and the diet list should be prepared specifically for the individual.

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